
Seminar "Did patient cost sharing for mental health care in the Netherlands reduce employment?"

Tuesday March 28th Bastian Ravesteijn (Harvard Medical School) will give a presentation titled "Did patient cost sharing for mental health care in the Netherlands reduce employment?"

March 28, 2017
CPB-kantoor, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag, zaal 3, Braamzaal

Time: 13:00-14:00 uur
Location: CPB-kantoor, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag, zaal 3, Braamzaal

Presentation: (DNB) Olivier Labe (BNG) en Jeroen Lammers (VNO-NCW)

Discussant: Minke Remmerswaal

Language: English

Aanmelden: U kunt zich vanaf 24 januari 2017 hier aanmelden voor dit seminar.

Een geldige ID-pas is verplicht voor externe bezoekers. De wachttijd bij de receptie kan 5 à 10 minuten duren. Bent u in het bezit van een Rijkspas? Dan kunt u direct doorlopen naar de seminarzaal, indien u van te voren het volgende formulier heeft ingevuld: InterDepartementale Toegang.

Abstract:  In 2012, the Dutch government introduced a fixed access fee for specialist mental health services (SMHS) of €200. Subsequently, the annual number of treated patients declined sharply and persistently by 95,000, or 16.4 percent. In this project, we will estimate the effect of SMHS use on a wide variety of indicators of social functioning.

I will present preliminary estimates of the effect of treatment continuation on employment for individuals who are in SMHS treatment and face the decision whether to continue or end treatment. Using the timing of SMHS treatment initiation in the past—which unexpectedly determined the amount of out-of-pocket-costs for subsequent treatment continuation—as an instrumental variable for treatment continuation, we find a strong positive effect on employment.

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