
Seminar: Beneficial Health Insurance and healthcare utilization: new evidence from a large-scale field experiment

On Tuesday August 28th 2018, Raf van Gestel (EUR) will give a presentation titled: "Beneficial Health Insurance and healthcare utilization: new evidence from a large-scale field experiment"

August 28, 2018
13:00 - 14:00
CPB-office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague (Room 3 - Braamzaal)
Raf van Gestel (EUR)
Maaike Diepstraaten (CPB)
Working language

In this paper we experimentally evaluate the effect of beneficial health insurance and cost-sharing on healthcare expenditures. National legislation in Belgium obliged all health insurers to contact a low-income target population to apply for beneficial health insurance. The randomized timing of sending a letter and flyer provides an instrument to evaluate the effect of beneficial health insurance on healthcare consumption. We find limited evidence for consumptive responses to IR. In addition, IR beneficiaries do not spend significantly less on healthcare because of an existing maximum dollar expenditure threshold for the entire population.