
Ranking the Schools: How Quality Information Affects School Choice in the Netherlands

During this seminar Karen van der Wiel (CPB) will present "Ranking the Schools: How Quality Information Affects School Choice in the Netherlands".

June 14, 2011
CPB, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Time: 2011, Tuesday June 14, 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Presentation: Karen van der Wiel (CPB)

Discussant: TBA

Language: English

Registration:  Please register by sending an email to

Abstract subject: This paper analyzes whether information on high school quality published by a national newspaper affects school choice in the Netherlands. We find that negative (positive) school quality scores decrease (increase) the number of first year students choosing a school after the year of publication. The positive effects are particularly large for the academic school track, such that a track receiving the most positive score sees its inflow of students rise by 16 to 18 students. We find that it is the most recent and most prominently displayed information that parents respond to. The effects of quality information do not tend to be higher in regions where the relevant newspaper circulation is higher. This suggests that direct exposure to news about school quality does not explain the response to it. Instead, information disclosure by well-performing schools and active information search by parents seem to contribute to the effects of quality information.

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