Policy seminar

Policy seminar: Modeling spatial and temporal variation in resource availability:  Wind in the United States

During a CPB Policy seminar on Thursday May 16th, Geoff Blanford (EPRI) will give a presentation "Modeling spatial and temporal variation in resource availability: Wind in the United States".

May 16, 2013
CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Time: 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Presentation: Geoff Blanford (EPRI)

Discussant: Rob Aalbers (CPB)

Language: English

Registration: Please register by sending an email to polinars@cpb.nl.

Abstract subject:
Modeling intermittent renewable resources requires particular care because of their spatial and temporal variability. Spatial variability is relevant because of the costs and constraints involved in long-distance power transmission. Temporal variability is relevant because of the much higher costs and more limiting constraints involved in electricity storage.  We develop a new model of the United States electric sector with partially aggregated regional and intra-annual resolution, based on data at the hourly and state level.  In this context we evaluate the true economic potential for wind deployment and investment, its dependence on transmission expansion restrictions, and the implications for system capacity and operations.

Policy seminars
CPB organises policy seminars for policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders. These policy seminars focus on policy implications. Policy seminars are held on Thursday from 1.00 pm. to 2.00 pm. Read here how to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to our alert service (CPB Calendar).

CPB also organises seminars for researchers. During these seminars, always held on Tuesday from 1.00 pm. to 2.00 pm., academic papers are presented and discussed. Read here how to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to our alert service (CPB Calendar).