
Netherlands Economists Day 2012

On the 19th of October the CPB and the KVS organize the Netherlands Economists Day (N.E.D.) This day provides all Dutch economists the opportunity to present recent work and/ or to discuss relevant economic themes. The day will be concluded by the KVS Tinbergen-lecture that is given this year by Prof. Dr. Carmen Reinhart.

October 19, 2012
Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. Carmen Reinhart (University of Maryland and PIIE) is e.g. co-author of "This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly" (with Kenneth Rogoff).

Location: Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam

For submission, registration and more information please contact Jeannette Verbruggen (

Please complete this form, save it and email it to Jeannette Verbruggen at

Your registration will only be completed once the registration fee of €25 has been received. We kindly request you to transfer the above mentioned amount to the bank account of KVS, clearly mentioning the participant’s name. The account number is 369444.

Local organizing committee at CPB: Paul de Bijl, Karen van der Wiel, Suzanne Kok, Jasper Lukkezen, Roel Mehlkopf, Jeannette Verbruggen.
Local organizing committee at KVS/DNB: Carin Beemsterboer.

Program committee
Barbara Baarsma (SEO and UvA)
Guido Biessen (Ministry of EL&I and KVS)
Wim Boonstra (Rabobank)
Arnoud Boot (UvA and KVS)
Erwin Bulte (WUR and UvT)
Harry Garretsen (RUG)
Henri de Groot (VU and Ecorys)
Jakob de Haan (DNB and RUG)
Jean-Jacques Herings (UM)
Bas Jacobs (EUR)
Eelke de Jong (RU)
Pierre Koning (Ministerie van SZW and VU)
Clemens Kool (UU and KVS)
Jenny Ligthart (UvT and KVS)
Jan van Ours (UvT and De Economist)
Sandra Phlippen (ESB)
Coen Teulings (CPB and UvA)


Netherlands Economists Day 2012
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