
Previous events

26 Sep 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Seasonal adjustment of high-frequency data

On Thursday September 26th 2019, Barend Abeln (RUG) will give a presentation titled: "Seasonal adjustment of high-frequency...

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24 Sep 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Prevention strategies for sickness absence: sick individuals or sick populations?

On Tuesday September 24th 2019, Alex Burdorf (Erasmus MC) will give a presentation titled: "Prevention strategies for sickness absence: sick individuals or sick...

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17 Sep 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: The curious case of the disappearing IPOs: The impact of Chinese import competition

On Tuesday September 17th 2019, Lu Zhang (CPB) will give a presentation titled: "The curious case of the disappearing IPOs: The impact of Chinese import...

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10 Sep 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: The educational gradient and the role of income in demographic decision-making among couples

On Tuesday September 10th 2019, Ruben van Gaalen (CBS/UvA) will give a presentation titled: "The educational gradient and the role of income in demographic decision-making among...

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27 Jun 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Technology-induced Trade Shocks? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in France

On Thursday June 27th 2019, Clément Malgouyres (IPP) will give a presentation titled: "Technology-induced Trade Shocks? Evidence from Broadband Expansion in...

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06 Jun 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: From Subsidies to Loans: The Effects of College Financing on Students’ High School Choices

On Thursday June 6th 2019, Jan Kabátek (University of Melbourne) will give a presentation titled: "From Subsidies to Loans: The Effects of College Financing on Students’ High School...

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21 May 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Market Power and Innovation in the Intangible Economy

On Tuesday May 21st 2019, Maarten de Ridder (University of Cambridge) will give a presentation titled: "Market Power and Innovation in the Intangible...

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14 May 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: House Price Shocks and Household Saving

On Tuesdag May 14th 2019, Eduard Suari-Andreu (Leiden University) will give a presentation titled: 'House Price Shocks and Household Saving' ...

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23 Apr 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: A social norm nudge to save more: a field experiment at a large retail bank

On Tuesday April 23rd 2019, Max van Lent (Universiteit Leiden) will give a presentation titled: "A social norm nudge to save more: a field experiment at a large retail...

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17 Apr 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Finance and Carbon Emissions

On Wednesday April 17th 2019, Ralph de Haas (EBRD) will give a presentation titled: "Finance and Carbon...

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