Previous events
Release date next World Trade Monitor
The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled for Friday 24 June 2022, 12:00...
Read moreHybrid seminar: Prolonging working life and its impact on work disability applications across socioeconomic groups
On Tuesday June 21st 2022, Raun van Ooijen (RUG) will give an online presentation titled: "Prolonging working life and its impact on work disability applications across socioeconomic groups....
Read moreCPB Lecture 2022 "The economist as a plumber? Hidden normativity in economic policy advice" (hybrid)
‘The economist as a plumber? Hidden normativity in economic policy advice’. This is the theme of the annual CPB Lecture on June 16 in the Glazen Zaal in The Hague. This year our guest is Diane Coyle, professor at...
Read moreLezing Nathan Hendren (Harvard) en rondetafel over ‘Beleidsopties verkleinen kansenongelijkheid’
Niet iedereen krijgt dezelfde kansen in het leven. Welke factoren zijn hierin bepalend en wat kan beleid doen om de kansenongelijkheid terug te dringen? De Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam organiseert samen met het...
Read morePersuitnodiging digitale achtergrondbriefing 'Stresstest kosten levensonderhoud'
Op donderdag 9 juni om 10.00 uur publiceert het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) de ‘Stresstest kosten van levensonderhoud’. In deze stresstest analyseert het CPB op basis van twee scenario’s de financiële weerbaarheid...
Read moreHybrid seminar: Does replacing grants by income-contingent loans harm enrolment? New evidence from a reform in Dutch higher education
On Tuesday June 7th 2022, Dinand Webbink (EUR) will give an online presentation titled: "Does replacing grants by income-contingent loans harm enrolment? New evidence from a reform in Dutch higher education....
Read moreHybrid seminar: Households’ heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption smoothing
On Tuesday May 31st 2022, Jim Been (Leiden University) will give an online presentation titled: "Households’ heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption smoothing....
Read moreRelease date next World Trade Monitor
The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled for Wednesday 25 May 2022, 12:00...
Read morePersuitnodiging digitale achtergrondbriefing Risicorapportage Financiële Markten 2022
Op dinsdag 24 mei 2022 om 10.00 uur publiceert het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) de jaarlijkse Risicorapportage Financiële Markten. CPB-directeur Pieter Hasekamp licht de risicorapportage om 09....
Read moreHybrid seminar: Heterogeneous Earnings Risk in Incomplete Markets
On Wednesday May 18th 2022, Eva Janssens (UvA, Federal Reserve Board) will give an online presentation titled: "Heterogeneous Earnings Risk in Incomplete Markets." To attend this seminar, please send an e-mail to Simone...
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