Search results

There are 104 search results.
August 22, 2001

Exposure of the business services industry to international competition

Exposure of business services industry to foreign competition to lead to direct investment rather than imports or licensing agreements.

May 2, 2001

Capital income taxation in Europe; trends and trade-offs

The EU capital market integrates. Portfolios become more international, cross border mergers are the order of the day, and never before has there been so much foreign direct investment.

April 9, 2001

Aanbodzijde economie Verenigde Staten en EU, 1970-2006

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 1, 2000

STREAM: Substance Throughput Related to Economic Activity Model; a partial equilibrium model for material flows in the economy

STREAM: Substance Throughput Related to Economic Activity Model; a partial equilibrium model for material flows in the economy

June 1, 1997

AIECE working group reports - spring 1997; le commerce mondial en 1996-1998 - world commodity prices 1996-1998

AIECE working group reports - spring 1997; le commerce mondial en 1996-1998 - world commodity prices 1996-1998

January 1, 1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1996; World trade 1995-1997; World commodity prices 1995-1997

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1996; World trade 1995-1997; World commodity prices 1995-1997

January 1, 1996

A long-term scenario study for the Dutch economy

A long-term scenario study for the Dutch economy1995 - 2020.

January 1, 1996

Short-term prospects for the international economy - spring 1996; General report presented to the Spring meeting of the AIECE; Dublin

Short-term prospects for the international economy - spring 1996; General report presented to the Spring meeting of the AIECE; Dublin

January 1, 1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Spring 1996; Le commerce mondial en 1995-1997 / World Commodity prices 1995-1997

AIECE Working Group Reports - Spring 1996; Le commerce mondial en 1995-1997 / World Commodity prices 1995-1997

January 1, 1995

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1995; world trade 1994-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1995; world trade 1994-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996