Search results

There are 91 search results.
April 1, 2000

STREAM: Substance Throughput Related to Economic Activity Model; a partial equilibrium model for material flows in the economy

STREAM: Substance Throughput Related to Economic Activity Model; a partial equilibrium model for material flows in the economy

June 1, 1997

AIECE working group reports - spring 1997; le commerce mondial en 1996-1998 - world commodity prices 1996-1998

AIECE working group reports - spring 1997; le commerce mondial en 1996-1998 - world commodity prices 1996-1998

January 1, 1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1996; World trade 1995-1997; World commodity prices 1995-1997

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1996; World trade 1995-1997; World commodity prices 1995-1997

January 1, 1996

A long-term scenario study for the Dutch economy

A long-term scenario study for the Dutch economy1995 - 2020.

January 1, 1996

Short-term prospects for the international economy - spring 1996; General report presented to the Spring meeting of the AIECE; Dublin

Short-term prospects for the international economy - spring 1996; General report presented to the Spring meeting of the AIECE; Dublin

January 1, 1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Spring 1996; Le commerce mondial en 1995-1997 / World Commodity prices 1995-1997

AIECE Working Group Reports - Spring 1996; Le commerce mondial en 1995-1997 / World Commodity prices 1995-1997

January 1, 1995

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1995; world trade 1994-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1995; world trade 1994-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

January 1, 1995

AIECE working group reports - spring 1995; le commerce mondial en 1995-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

AIECE working group reports - spring 1995; le commerce mondial en 1995-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

January 1, 1994

AIECE Working Group reports - Autumn 1994; World trade 1993-1995 and World commodity prices

AIECE Working Group reports - Autumn 1994; World trade 1993-1995 and World commodity prices