Search results

There are 45 search results.
March 12, 2014

Bouwstenen voor een moderne btw

Het btw-regime in Nederland kan beter. De vrijstellingen en het verlaagde tarief veroorzaken economische verstoringen en welvaartsverliezen.

February 24, 2014

Measuring too-big-to-fail funding advantages from small banks’ CDS spreads

Large banks derive a funding advantage from being too-big-to-fail, while small banks do not.

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February 13, 2014

Inkomenseffecten aanpassing zorgtoeslag in 2012

In 2012 is de zorgtoeslag aangepast via het ‘Besluit percentages drempel- en toetsingsinkomen zorgtoeslag’. De Algemene Rekenkamer heeft het CPB verzocht om de inkomenseffecten in 2012 van dit besluit door te rekenen.

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January 22, 2014

Presentation: Macroeconomic developments in the Netherlands

Presentation used by Wim Suyker during a conference at the Dutch embassy in London, on January 22, 2014.

January 10, 2014

Government spending shocks, sovereign risk and the exchange rate regime

We analyse the effects of fiscal expansions using a New Keynesian model and find that the reverse holds in the presence of sovereign default risk.

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