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There are 51 search results.
September 15, 2020

Fan Charts September 2020

The figures present fan charts around the MEV 2021 point forecasts for GDP growth, HICP inflation, unemployment and general government financial...

September 15, 2020

Projections September 2020 (MEV 2021), figures

In the baseline projections, which assume no large-scale new physical contact restrictions will be needed, the economy shrinks by 5% in 2020, followed by over 3% growth in 2021. Unemployment will rise to 6% in 2021....

No title
September 15, 2020

Actualisatie MLT-raming september 2020, cijfers

De corona-uitbraak leidt tot een lager bbp-niveau in 2025 dan in de verkenning van maart. Het bbp-volume in 2025 is in de basisverkenning 4% neerwaarts herzien ten opzichte van die in maart; in het dieperdalscenario is...

No title
September 15, 2020

Extension of support package reduces increase in unemployment, but also leads to greater budget deficit

In the baseline projections, which assume no large-scale new physical contact restrictions will be needed, the economy shrinks by 5% in 2020, followed by over 3% growth in 2021. Unemployment will rise to 6% in 2021....

uk primary 740x420
August 17, 2020

August projections 2020-2021

Renewed growth in Dutch economy from third quarter onwards, but downturn will reverberate.

uk Primary 740x420
August 17, 2020

Renewed growth in Dutch economy from third quarter onwards, but downturn will reverberate

In the baseline projections, which assume no large-scale new physical contact restrictions are needed, the economy will shrink by 5% in 2020, followed by 3% growth in 2021. Unemployment will rise up to 7% in 2021....

primary 740x420
August 11, 2020

Forecasting wage growth and price inflation in the Netherlands with a BVAR model

This background document describes a Bayesian Vector Autoregression (BVAR) model to support the CPB short-term forecasts of wage growth and price...

July 2, 2020

De incidentele loongroei onder de loep: samenstellingseffecten en loondynamiek

Instroom nieuwe werknemers drukt de loongroei in recente jaren.

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July 2, 2020

Instroom nieuwe werknemers drukt de loongroei in recente jaren

De brutolonen zijn tussen 2014 en 2018 minder hard gestegen dan de cao-lonen. De groei van het incidentele loon was dus negatief. Dit is opmerkelijk in een periode van toenemende krapte op de arbeidsmarkt....

No title
June 17, 2020

Certificering budgettaire raming Wet excessief lenen bij eigen vennootschap

Deze CPB Notitie certificeert de raming van de opbrengst van de rekening-courantmaatregel in box 2 van de inkomstenbelasting. Het CPB acht de raming van de budgettaire effecten van de maatregel redelijk en neutraal....