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There are 44 search results.
December 20, 2018


In het afgelopen decennium heeft de arbeidsparticipatie zich anders ontwikkeld dan in de periode daarvoor. De participatie van ouderen laat een sterke toename zien. Het aantal vrouwen dat werkt stijgt, maar deze...

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October 11, 2017

Preventing NEETs During the Great Recession: The Effects of a Mandatory Activation Program for Young Welfare Recipients

We study the impact of a mandatory activation program for young welfare recipients in the Netherlands. Introduced at the end of 2009, the goal of the program was to prevent so-called NEETs (individuals not in employment, education or training).

June 13, 2017

Using Tax Deductions to Promote Lifelong Learning: Real and Shifting Responses

Policymakers are concerned about potential underinvestment in lifelong learning. In this paper we study to what extent a tax deduction helps to stimulate post-initial training.

April 26, 2015

Kansrijk arbeidsmarktbeleid

Deze eerste uitgave van Kansrijk Arbeidsmarktbeleid belicht de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van fiscale stimulering van arbeidsparticipatie, sociale zekerheid en ontslagbescherming.

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February 14, 2015

De effectiviteit van fiscaal participatiebeleid

Generieke lastenverlichting doet relatief weinig voor de arbeidsparticipatie. Lastenverlichting voor werkende moeders met jonge kinderen is relatief effectief.

November 27, 2014

MICSIM: A behavioural microsimulation model for the analysis of tax-benefit reform in the Netherlands

In this paper, we present MICSIM. MICSIM is a behavioural microsimulation model for the analysis of structural labour-supply effects.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

October 17, 2014

The effectiveness of fiscal stimuli for working parents

We study the relative effectiveness of fiscal stimuli for working parents in an empirical model of household labour supply and childcare use.

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May 29, 2013

Estimating the Elasticity of Taxable Labour Income in the Netherlands

We study the elasticity of taxable labour income (ETI) of employees in the Netherlands. The large 2001 Dutch tax reform generates substantial variation in marginal tax rates at di erent segments of the income distribution.

March 7, 2013

A structural analysis of labour supply elasticities in the Netherlands

We estimate the labour supply elasticity for a large number of groups on the Dutch labour market. We exploit a large administrative household panel data set for the period 1999-2005.

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