Search results

There are 6 search results.
January 1, 1997

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

January 1, 1997

The impact of public infrastructure capital on the private sector of the Netherlands; an application of symmetric generalized McFadden cost function

The impact of public infrastructure capital on the private sector of the Netherlands; an application of symmetric generalized McFadden cost function

January 1, 1996

Taxes and benefits in a non-linear wage equation

Taxes and benefits in a non-linear wage equation

January 1, 1996

On the relationship between inflation and nominal government liabilities; the role of the independence of the Central Bank

On the relationship between inflation and nominal government liabilities; the role of the independence of the Central Bank

January 1, 1996

Governance of stakeholder relationships; the German and Dutch experience

Governance of stakeholder relationships; the German and Dutch experience

January 1, 1996

Knowledge, endogenous economic growth and international trade; exercises with a Grossman-Helpman model for the OECD

Knowledge, endogenous economic growth and international trade; exercises with a Grossman-Helpman model for the OECD