Search results

There are 32 search results.
March 17, 2020

Forecast 17 March 2020 (CEP 2020 complete)

March 26, CPB publishes new corona-scenarios (in Dutch).

No title
March 3, 2020

Forecast 3 March 2020 (CEP 2020, summary)

Steady underlying growth.

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February 6, 2019

De (economische) waarde van wetenschap

Deze presentatie is gebruikt door Bastiaan Overvest op 5 februari 2019 tijdens de conferentie “De (economische) waarde van wetenschap”, georganiseerd door leden van de commissie OCW van de Tweede Kamer, in de Oude...

September 3, 2018

The scope of the external return to higher education

This article examines whether the productivity spillovers from a large share of highly educated workers occur within regions, sectors and/or firms. To distinguish between these possibilities, I follow a two-stage procedure to estimate a Mincerian wage equation using matched employer-employee panel data on individual earnings and educational attainment.

April 4, 2017

Knowledge diffusion across regions and countries: evidence from patent citations

We study knowledge spillovers from European universities and other research organizations using data from patent citations at the EPO.

April 4, 2017

De regionale impact van universiteiten; een literatuuroverzicht

Dit document biedt achtergrondinformatie bij het CPB Discussion Paper 348 ‘The regional impact of European Universities: evidence from patent citations’. Het discussion paper analyseert de rol van afstand bij de verspreiding van kennis (‘kennisspillovers’) van Europese universiteiten en onderzoeksinstellingen naar bedrijven.

February 25, 2016

Kansrijk innovatiebeleid

Kansrijk innovatiebeleid belicht de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van fiscale stimulering van r&d, financiering van innovatieve bedrijven, instituten voor toegepast onderzoek, topsectoren en aanbestedingen.

No title
November 16, 2012

Market size, institutions, and the value of rights provided by patents

This CPB Discussion Paper presents micro-evidence indicating that the value of patent rights for a given technology show substantial variation across countries.

No title
September 24, 2012

Unleashing Competition in EU Business Services

In most EU member states, the business services industry has booked no productivity growth during the last two decades.

September 24, 2012

Nederlandse zakelijke dienstverleners onvoldoende geprikkeld

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.