Search results

There are 58 search results.
January 26, 2001

Verdeling van het nationaal inkomen over gezinnen, bedrijven en collectieve sector,

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

September 1, 2000

Efficient progressive taxes and education subsidies

Efficient progressive taxes and education subsidies

August 1, 1999

Equilibrium rates and wage flexibility in Europe

Equilibrium rates of unemployment substantially lower than actual unemployment

July 1, 1999

The equilibrium rate of unemployment in the Netherlands

The equilibrium rate of unemployment in the Netherlands

March 1, 1999

An earned income tax credit model in the Netherlands: simulations with the MIMIC model

An earned income tax credit model in the Netherlands: simulations with the MIMIC model

December 1, 1998

Tax policy and the labor market: a sensitivity analysis with an AGE model

Tax policy and the labor market: a sensitivity analysis with an AGE model

January 1, 1996

Governance of stakeholder relationships; the German and Dutch experience

Governance of stakeholder relationships; the German and Dutch experience

January 1, 1996

Knowledge, endogenous economic growth and international trade; exercises with a Grossman-Helpman model for the OECD

Knowledge, endogenous economic growth and international trade; exercises with a Grossman-Helpman model for the OECD