Search results

There are 420 search results.
April 1, 1998

Taxation of capital income in the 21st century

Taxation of capital income in the 21st century

March 1, 1998

Take it or leave it; an evaluation of government investment proposals

Take it or leave it; an evaluation of government investment proposals

February 1, 1998

Analyzing fiscal policy in the Netherlands: simulations with a revised MIMIC

Analyzing fiscal policy in the Netherlands: simulations with a revised MIMIC

July 1, 1997

The Dutch black hole

The Dutch black hole

January 1, 1997

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

January 1, 1997

The impact of public infrastructure capital on the private sector of the Netherlands; an application of symmetric generalized McFadden cost function

The impact of public infrastructure capital on the private sector of the Netherlands; an application of symmetric generalized McFadden cost function

January 1, 1996

Taxes and benefits in a non-linear wage equation

Taxes and benefits in a non-linear wage equation

January 1, 1996

On the relationship between inflation and nominal government liabilities; the role of the independence of the Central Bank

On the relationship between inflation and nominal government liabilities; the role of the independence of the Central Bank

January 1, 1996

Governance of stakeholder relationships; the German and Dutch experience

Governance of stakeholder relationships; the German and Dutch experience

January 1, 1996

Knowledge, endogenous economic growth and international trade; exercises with a Grossman-Helpman model for the OECD

Knowledge, endogenous economic growth and international trade; exercises with a Grossman-Helpman model for the OECD