Search results

There are 51 search results.
May 19, 2009

Assessment of projects ICRE 2007/2008

Assessment of projects submitted for funding by a budget called ‘FES’.

March 17, 2009

Investeringen in woningen (CEP 2009)

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

May 22, 2008

Economic effects of regulating and subsidizing the rental housing market.

In the name of putting decent and affordable housing within everybody’s, but especially the poor’s, reach, the Dutch authorities regulate the supply of rental houses, subsidize demand and subject rents to rent controls.

April 9, 2008

The impact of demographic uncertainty on public finances in the Netherlands

How uncertain are the consequences of population ageing for Dutch public finances?

September 29, 2006

Welvaart en leefomgeving; een scenariostudie voor Nederland in 2040

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation

September 29, 2006

Planbureaus: Afname bevolkingsgroei biedt ruimte voor andere eisen aan leefomgeving

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

June 14, 2006

Evaluating the push for tougher, more targeted policing in the Netherlands; evidence from a citizen survey

In this study, we estimate the effects of a tougher, more targeted police response to criminal and disorderly behaviour ('proactive policing').

April 6, 2004

CPB: aansluiten bij woonwensen biedt gunstige perspectieven voor de welvaart

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 1, 2004

Second opinion on the global cost-benefit analyses 'Urbanisation Randstad' and 'Corridor'

CPB verdict on two global cost-benefit analyses.

June 30, 2003

Immigration and the Dutch economy

For some time now, immigration has been high on the national and international agenda. In addition to the legal, humanitarian and social aspects, the economic impact of immigration is receiving increasing attention.