Search results

There are 45 search results.
June 16, 2014

Presentation CPB Book 11 'Roads to recovery'

Presentation used by Albert van der Horst during the presentation of the CPB Book 'Roads to recovery', 2014, June 16.

June 12, 2014

Choosing privacy: How to improve the market for personal data

Businesses and the government are all collecting more and more personal data, and they use these data ever more intensively. This is mostly to the benefit of citizens, but not in all cases.

April 24, 2014

Follow the leader? Public and private wages in the Netherlands

This study investigates wage leadership in the Netherlands. We empirically examine public and private wages using several wage definitions for the period 1980-2012.

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April 10, 2014

Presentatie 'Assainissement budgétaire aux Pays-Bas'

Dit is de presentatie die door Wim Suyker gebruikt tijdens het seminar overheidsfinanciën, internationale sessie, bij de Rekenkamer in Parijs, 7 april 2014.

March 25, 2014

Time variation in the dynamic effects of unanticipated changes in tax policy

Using a structural vector autoregression with time-varying parameters, I analyze to what extent the dynamic effects of unanticipated changes in tax policy have changed structurally over the post World War II period in the United States.

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March 25, 2014

Reduced-rank time-varying vector autoregressions

The standard time-varying VAR workhorse suffers from overparameterization, which is a serious problem as it limits the number of variables and lags that can be incorporated in the model.

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March 19, 2014

De beleidsmatige lastenontwikkeling in Nederland 1998-2013

In dit CPB Achtergronddocument geven we weer in hoeverre de collectieve lasten (belastingen en sociale premies) in de jaren 1998-2013 door beleidsmaatregelen zijn gewijzigd.

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March 18, 2014

Central Economic Plan (CEP) 2014

In the Central Economic Plan 2014 (CEP 2014) CPB presents analyses and projections for the Dutch and world economy. This is a translation of chapter 1 of the Dutch publication.

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March 18, 2014

Presentatie Centraal Economisch Plan 2014

Dit is de presentatie die door Laura van Geest is gebruikt tijdens de persconferentie op 18 maart 2014, waarbij het Centraal Economisch Plan 2014 is gepresenteerd.

March 18, 2014

Vermogensschokken en consumptie in Nederland

Dit document laat zien hoe het vermogen van huishoudens zich in de afgelopen jaren heeft ontwikkeld en waarom dit invloed heeft op de consumptie.

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