Search results

There are 32 search results.
February 10, 2010

High trees in the polder; globalisation and top incomes in the Netherlands

This CPB Document analyses the causes of the growth of top wages in the Netherlands.

December 16, 2009

AIECE general report; report submitted at the general meeting of 5-6 November 2009

The fall in global output in 2009 will be the largest of the post-war period.

April 2, 2009

The credit crisis and the Dutch economy 2009-2010

An extensive summary of CPB's Central Economic Plan 2009, including the chapter on the causes and effects of the credit crisis and projections for the Dutch economy.

May 8, 2008

Ex antetoets Startnotitie Randstad 2040

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

June 18, 2007

Public and private roles in road infrastructure: an exploration of market failure, public instruments and government failure

Starting with a 'greenfield' situation, we discuss reasons for market failure in road infrastructure provision.

August 16, 2001

The demand for space till 2030 in two scenarios

Will there be enough room?

June 1, 2000

Schiphol: een normaal bedrijf?

Schiphol: transition from a public to a private company

February 26, 1999

De grondmarkt; een gebrekkige markt en een onvolmaakte overheid

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 1, 1998

Road pricing in the Netherlands; a second-opinion

Road pricing: the end of congestion in the urbanized part of the Netherlands?

October 1, 1998

Economic effects of two variants for reducing CO2 emissions by 2% annually in 2000-2020

Economic effects of two variants for reducing CO2 emissions by 2% annually in 2000-2020