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There are 32 search results.
January 16, 2017

In vier stappen naar efficiëntere faillissementswetgeving

Een stabiele welvaartsontwikkeling is gebaat bij een flexibele economie die snel kan inspelen op veranderende omstandigheden.

September 9, 2016

The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks: Continental Europe versus the Anglo-Saxon World

For economic forecasting it is important to know how the real economy responds to major events such as the fall of the Soviet Union, the Greek debt crisis, the recent terrorism attacks in Europe, and the Brexit.

February 11, 2016

Negative Home Equity and Household Mobility: Evidence from Administrative Data

We investigate the impact of negative home equity on household mobility.

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January 12, 2016

Credit Supply Shocks in the Netherlands

This study looks at the effects of credit supply shocks in the Netherlands and provides estimates of how important credit supply disturbances have been for explaining the recent disappointing economic growth.

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December 22, 2015

Home Ownership and Household Portfolio Choice

We study the effect of home equity and indebtedness on financial portfolio choices of Dutch households during the period 2006-2012.

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November 3, 2015

Macro-economics of balance-sheet problems and the liquidity trap

Since 2010, nominal policy rates of central banks in most advanced economies have been close to zero. This is referred to as the zero lower bound on interest rates or as the liquidity trap.

August 26, 2015

A financial market model for the Netherlands: A methodological refinement

The Committee Parameters advises to use the KNW-model to generate a representative scenario set for feasibility studies of pension funds.

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June 5, 2015

Lessons learnt from seven years of stagnation in the Eurozone

Three lessons may be drawn from seven years of financial crisis.

May 28, 2015

De economische effecten van een verdere verlaging van de LTV-limiet

Op dit moment wordt een verdere matiging van de risico’s van te hoge LTV-ratio’s overwogen via het doorzetten van de stapsgewijze verlaging van de LTV-limiet.

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February 24, 2014

Measuring too-big-to-fail funding advantages from small banks’ CDS spreads

Large banks derive a funding advantage from being too-big-to-fail, while small banks do not.

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