Search results

There are 36 search results.
May 30, 2013

CPB Financial Stability Report 2013

The Dutch House of Representatives has requested CPB and DNB to prepare a joint report on international and national macro-economic developments and their relation to the developments in the financial sector.

April 2, 2013

The private value of too-big-to-fail guarantees

Funding advantage for TBTF banks

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March 26, 2013

The changing landscape of financial markets in Europe, the United States and Japan

We compare the structure of the financial sectors of the EU27, Japan and the United States, looking at a set of 23 indicators.

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February 14, 2013

The Dutch housing market - mortgage interest rates, house prices and consumption

Analysis of the consequences of the current financial position of banks in relation to the mortgage and housing markets and, following from that, for the current situation of the Dutch economy.

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February 5, 2013

How Large was the Credit Crunch in the OECD?

Reduced credit supply in the years 2008 and 2009 should have resulted in lower growth in industries that are more dependent on external finance.

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May 30, 2012

CPB Financial Stability Report

The Dutch House of Representatives has requested CPB and DNB to prepare a joint report on international and national macro-economic developments and their relation to the developments in the financial sector.

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April 20, 2012

Inside Liquidity in Competitive Markets

In CPB Discussion Paper 209 we study incentives of financial intermediaries to reserve liquidity given that they can rely on the interbank market for their liquidity needs.

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April 18, 2012

Second opinion on Lombard Street Research's report 'The Netherlands and the euro'

At the request of the Lower House of the Dutch Parliament, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) conducted a second-opinion survey on the report ‘The Netherlands & The Euro’ by Lombard Street Research.

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February 27, 2012

What Awareness? Consumer Perception of Bank Risk and Deposit Insurance

This paper provides unique survey evidence on consumer awareness about deposit insurance and on consumer perception of the stability of small and systemic banks.

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February 15, 2012

Competition for traders and risk

The financial crisis has been attributed partly to perverse incentives for traders at banks and has led policy makers to propose regulation of banks' remuneration packages.

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