Search results

There are 5 search results.
April 11, 2002

Gevolgen van uitbreiding Schiphol; een kengetallen kosten-batenanalyse

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 1, 1998

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

November 1, 1998

Road pricing in the Netherlands; a second-opinion

Road pricing: the end of congestion in the urbanized part of the Netherlands?

January 1, 1997

Economical and spatial reinforcement of the mainport Rotterdam

Economical and spatial reinforcement of the mainport Rotterdam

January 1, 1995

CPB: Economic effects of liberalisation of opening times of shops in The Netherlands

CPB: Economic effects of liberalisation of opening times of shops in The Netherlands