Search results

There are 11 search results for *.
September 14, 2006

Economische effecten van aanpassing fiscale behandeling eigen woning.

The special tax treatment of household investment in housing involves a subsidy relative to other forms of household wealth.

September 14, 2006

Economische effecten van aanpassing fiscale behandeling eigen woning.

The special tax treatment of household investment in housing involves a subsidy relative to other forms of household wealth.

November 27, 2002

MEV-op-maat voor de bouwnijverheid: Verkenning voor de jaren 2002 en 2003 - november 2002

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 1, 1998

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

November 1, 1998

Road pricing in the Netherlands; a second-opinion

Road pricing: the end of congestion in the urbanized part of the Netherlands?

November 1, 1998

Road pricing in the Netherlands; a second-opinion

Road pricing: the end of congestion in the urbanized part of the Netherlands?