Search results

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September 14, 2006

Consequences of reducing deductibility of mortgage interest for the housing market

Fiscal rules for owner-occupied dwellings involve substantial subsidies of household investment in housing.

September 14, 2006

Consequences of reducing deductibility of mortgage interest for the housing market

Fiscal rules for owner-occupied dwellings involve substantial subsidies of household investment in housing.

September 14, 2006

Economische effecten van aanpassing fiscale behandeling eigen woning.

The special tax treatment of household investment in housing involves a subsidy relative to other forms of household wealth.

September 14, 2006

Economische effecten van aanpassing fiscale behandeling eigen woning.

The special tax treatment of household investment in housing involves a subsidy relative to other forms of household wealth.

November 27, 2002

MEV-op-maat voor de bouwnijverheid: Verkenning voor de jaren 2002 en 2003 - november 2002

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 11, 2002

Gevolgen van uitbreiding Schiphol; een kengetallen kosten-batenanalyse

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 1, 1998

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion