Search results

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July 5, 2006

The price of free advice

What factors determine how well consumers make their actual choices with regard to financial products?

June 16, 2006

Handle with care! The strongest incentives for efficiency of elderly care.

Incentives for efficient provision of publicly financed elderly care are weak.

February 15, 2006

Consumer price sensitivity in health insurance

This CPB Discussion Paper presents new estimates for the price elasticity of the residual demand for health insurance.

February 15, 2006

Consumer price sensitivity in health insurance

This CPB Discussion Paper presents new estimates for the price elasticity of the residual demand for health insurance.

September 22, 2005

Competition in markets for life insurance

Competition in the market for life insurance is weak.

January 5, 2004

Central goals, decentralised implementation; about the do's and don'ts of performance contracts for public organisations

Assessing the pros and cons of performance contracts for (semi-)public organisations.