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May 1, 2015

Causes and policy implications of the Dutch current account surplus

The Netherlands has experienced a persistent and relatively large current account surplus since the 1970s. In recent years the surplus has increased, reaching a historically high level of 8.5% of GDP in 2013.

May 1, 2015

Causes and policy implications of the Dutch current account surplus

The Netherlands has experienced a persistent and relatively large current account surplus since the 1970s. In recent years the surplus has increased, reaching a historically high level of 8.5% of GDP in 2013.

May 1, 2015

Causes and policy implications of the Dutch current account surplus

The Netherlands has experienced a persistent and relatively large current account surplus since the 1970s. In recent years the surplus has increased, reaching a historically high level of 8.5% of GDP in 2013.

May 1, 2015

Facts and figures on the Dutch current account surplus

In this document we summarise the most relevant empirical and stylised facts related to the Dutch current account.

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May 1, 2015

Facts and figures on the Dutch current account surplus

In this document we summarise the most relevant empirical and stylised facts related to the Dutch current account.

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May 1, 2015

Literature survey on the theoretical explanations and empirical determinants of current account balances

From the theoretical literature, we find that there are several explanations to account for persistent surpluses.

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May 1, 2015

Bilateral trade balances for the Netherlands and eight selected countries: Comparing gross and value added trade statistics and data sources

The use of the GTAP and WIOD databases to calculate trade in value added provides valuable information that can be compared with the traditional gross trade statistics.

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October 8, 2013

Early warning indicators for debt sustainability

This CPB Policy Brief develops a simple dynamic framework for assessing the sustainability of public finances over a medium-term horizon.