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November 10, 2020

Discontovoet voor de Nederlandse economie

Op verzoek van de Werkgroep Discontovoet 2020 heeft het CPB een analyse uitgevoerd naar de risicogewogen discontovoet voor de bezittingen van huishoudens en investeringen in de Nederlandse economie....

January 24, 2018

Should CBA’s include a correction for the marginal excess burden of taxation?

According to economic theory, taxation drives a wedge between private and public benefits, which distorts labour supply, consumption and investment and leads to loss of welfare.

December 10, 2012

De gevolgen van het huurbeleid nader bekeken

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

No title
April 3, 2008

MIMOSI; micro simulation model for purchasing power, labour costs, social security and income taxation.

Since the summer of 2007, CPB has employed the MIMOSI micro simulation system for forecasts and analyses in the related fields of purchasing power, labour costs, social security and income taxation.