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January 24, 2018

Should CBA’s include a correction for the marginal excess burden of taxation?

According to economic theory, taxation drives a wedge between private and public benefits, which distorts labour supply, consumption and investment and leads to loss of welfare.

January 24, 2018

Should CBA’s include a correction for the marginal excess burden of taxation?

According to economic theory, taxation drives a wedge between private and public benefits, which distorts labour supply, consumption and investment and leads to loss of welfare.

May 17, 2017

Naar een Verkenning Brede welvaart

De drie Nederlandse planbureaus PBL, SCP en CPB gaan gezamenlijk een Verkenning Brede welvaart opstellen, die in 2018 op Verantwoordingsdag zal verschijnen.

May 17, 2017

Naar een Verkenning Brede welvaart

De drie Nederlandse planbureaus PBL, SCP en CPB gaan gezamenlijk een Verkenning Brede welvaart opstellen, die in 2018 op Verantwoordingsdag zal verschijnen.

December 6, 2016

Valuation of CO2 emissions in CBA: implications of the scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment

The scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment (WLO ) forecasts long-term developments on four topics, climate being one of them. The study’s climate scenarios have been constructed taking into account various ways of international collaboration on the climate issue around the world. The WLO climate scenarios are characterised by a CO2 emission budget for the rest of the century and an associated CO2 emission reduction target.

December 6, 2016

Valuation of CO2 emissions in CBA: implications of the scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment

The scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment (WLO ) forecasts long-term developments on four topics, climate being one of them. The study’s climate scenarios have been constructed taking into account various ways of international collaboration on the climate issue around the world. The WLO climate scenarios are characterised by a CO2 emission budget for the rest of the century and an associated CO2 emission reduction target.

December 6, 2016

Valuation of CO2 emissions in CBA: implications of the scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment

The scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment (WLO ) forecasts long-term developments on four topics, climate being one of them. The study’s climate scenarios have been constructed taking into account various ways of international collaboration on the climate issue around the world. The WLO climate scenarios are characterised by a CO2 emission budget for the rest of the century and an associated CO2 emission reduction target.

December 6, 2016

Valuation of CO2 emissions in CBA: implications of the scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment

The scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment (WLO ) forecasts long-term developments on four topics, climate being one of them. The study’s climate scenarios have been constructed taking into account various ways of international collaboration on the climate issue around the world. The WLO climate scenarios are characterised by a CO2 emission budget for the rest of the century and an associated CO2 emission reduction target.

May 12, 2016

Kansrijk Mobiliteitsbeleid

Het personen- en goederenvervoer blijven de komende decennia toenemen, maar minder dan voorheen.

No title
May 12, 2016

Kansrijk Mobiliteitsbeleid

Het personen- en goederenvervoer blijven de komende decennia toenemen, maar minder dan voorheen.

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