Search results

There are 33 search results for *.
February 28, 2018

Complexities in the spatial scope of agglomeration economies

This article argues that the spatial scope of agglomeration economies is much more complex than is often assumed in the agglomeration literature. We provide insight into this issue by analyzing panel data on individual wages with a high level of spatial detail.

February 21, 2017

Understanding employment decentralization by estimating the spatial scope of agglomeration economies

This paper argues that the spatial decay function of agglomeration economies is much more complex than is often assumed in the agglomeration literature. We provide insight into this issue by analyzing a nationwide and spatially rich wage panel.

February 21, 2017

Understanding employment decentralization by estimating the spatial scope of agglomeration economies

This paper argues that the spatial decay function of agglomeration economies is much more complex than is often assumed in the agglomeration literature. We provide insight into this issue by analyzing a nationwide and spatially rich wage panel.

May 26, 2014

Safe Dike Heights at Minimal Costs: An Integer Programming Approach

Optimal dike heights are of crucial importance to the Netherlands as almost 60% of its surface is under threat of flooding from sea, lakes, or rivers.

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May 26, 2014

Safe Dike Heights at Minimal Costs: An Integer Programming Approach

Optimal dike heights are of crucial importance to the Netherlands as almost 60% of its surface is under threat of flooding from sea, lakes, or rivers.

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February 19, 2014

Urban traffic externalities: quasi-experimental evidence from housing prices

This paper exploits a quasi-experiment to value the benefits of reducing urban traffic externalities.

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February 19, 2014

Urban traffic externalities: quasi-experimental evidence from housing prices

This paper exploits a quasi-experiment to value the benefits of reducing urban traffic externalities.

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February 19, 2014

Urban traffic externalities: quasi-experimental evidence from housing prices

This paper exploits a quasi-experiment to value the benefits of reducing urban traffic externalities.

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January 14, 2014

Economisch optimale waterveiligheid in het IJsselmeergebied

Veiligheid meeste dijken IJsselmeergebied afdoende, de meeste dijkringen hoeven de komende decennia niet te worden versterkt.

No title
January 14, 2014

Economisch optimale waterveiligheid in het IJsselmeergebied

Veiligheid meeste dijken IJsselmeergebied afdoende, de meeste dijkringen hoeven de komende decennia niet te worden versterkt.

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