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May 3, 2013

Non-financial determinants of retirement

This paper first confronts the observed aggregate retirement pattern in the Netherlands with predictions of traditional economic models of retirement.

No title
May 3, 2013

Non-financial determinants of retirement

This paper first confronts the observed aggregate retirement pattern in the Netherlands with predictions of traditional economic models of retirement.

No title
February 23, 2009

Analyzing labour supply of elderly people: a life-cycle approach

Ageing: policy measures aim at increasing the participation rate of elderly workers, particularly in the age-group between 55 and 64.

February 23, 2009

Analyzing labour supply of elderly people: a life-cycle approach

Ageing: policy measures aim at increasing the participation rate of elderly workers, particularly in the age-group between 55 and 64.

February 23, 2009

Analyzing labour supply of elderly people: a life-cycle approach

Ageing: policy measures aim at increasing the participation rate of elderly workers, particularly in the age-group between 55 and 64.