Search results

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February 15, 2018

Optimal Taxation of Secondary Earners in the Netherlands: Has Equity Lost Ground?

The Netherlands witnessed major reforms in the taxation of (potential) secondary earners over the past decade. Using the inverse-optimal method of optimal taxation we recover the implicit social welfare weights of single- and dual-earner couples over time. The social welfare weights are grosso modo well-behaved before the reforms.

September 27, 2017

Optimal Income Support for Lone Parents in the Netherlands: Are We There Yet?

The Netherlands witnessed major reforms in income support for lone parents over the past decade. The goals of these reforms were to improve the financial incentives to work and to simplify the system. We consider whether the new system can be considered (closer to) `optimal'.

September 27, 2017

Optimal Income Support for Lone Parents in the Netherlands: Are We There Yet?

The Netherlands witnessed major reforms in income support for lone parents over the past decade. The goals of these reforms were to improve the financial incentives to work and to simplify the system. We consider whether the new system can be considered (closer to) `optimal'.

June 13, 2017

Using Tax Deductions to Promote Lifelong Learning: Real and Shifting Responses

Policymakers are concerned about potential underinvestment in lifelong learning. In this paper we study to what extent a tax deduction helps to stimulate post-initial training.

June 13, 2017

Using Tax Deductions to Promote Lifelong Learning: Real and Shifting Responses

Policymakers are concerned about potential underinvestment in lifelong learning. In this paper we study to what extent a tax deduction helps to stimulate post-initial training.

June 23, 2015

Quasi-experimental evidence on the relation between child care subsidies and child care quality

In this article we present quasi-experimental evidence on the relation between child care subsidies and child care quality.

No title
June 23, 2015

Quasi-experimental evidence on the relation between child care subsidies and child care quality

In this article we present quasi-experimental evidence on the relation between child care subsidies and child care quality.

No title
May 29, 2013

Over de top

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation of this page.

May 29, 2013

Over de top

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation of this page.

May 29, 2013

Meer over de top

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.