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There are 4 search results for *.
November 23, 2021

Position paper EU fiscal governance framework

At the request of the Dutch House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Finance, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis is participating in the Round Table on The Future of EU fiscal rules: reforming...

November 23, 2021

Position paper EU fiscal governance framework

At the request of the Dutch House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Finance, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis is participating in the Round Table on The Future of EU fiscal rules: reforming...

September 21, 2021

Certificering budgettaire ramingen fiscale maatregelen Belastingplan 2022

Deze notitie certificeert de budgettaire ramingen van de fiscale beleidsmaatregelen in het pakket Belastingplan 2022. Het CPB acht de ramingen van de budgettaire effecten van de maatregelen redelijk en neutraal....

September 21, 2021

Certificering budgettaire ramingen fiscale maatregelen Belastingplan 2022

Deze notitie certificeert de budgettaire ramingen van de fiscale beleidsmaatregelen in het pakket Belastingplan 2022. Het CPB acht de ramingen van de budgettaire effecten van de maatregelen redelijk en neutraal....