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August 29, 2023

Wederuitvoer motor achter stijging Nederlandse export

De Nederlandse goederenuitvoer heeft in 2021 en 2022 een sterke groei doorgemaakt, ook ten opzichte van andere eurolanden. Dit is voor een groot deel te danken aan een sterke stijging van de wederuitvoer, blijkt uit CPB-onderzoek.

No title
August 29, 2023

Wederuitvoer motor achter stijging Nederlandse export

De Nederlandse goederenuitvoer heeft in 2021 en 2022 een sterke groei doorgemaakt, ook ten opzichte van andere eurolanden. Dit is voor een groot deel te danken aan een sterke stijging van de wederuitvoer, blijkt uit CPB-onderzoek.

No title
August 29, 2023

Wederuitvoer motor achter stijging Nederlandse export

De Nederlandse goederenuitvoer heeft in 2021 en 2022 een sterke groei doorgemaakt, ook ten opzichte van andere eurolanden. Dit is voor een groot deel te danken aan een sterke stijging van de wederuitvoer, blijkt uit CPB-onderzoek.

No title
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits