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June 3, 2016

Juniraming 2016: economische vooruitzichten 2016 en 2017

Continuing growth, low inflation

Press release
Economic growth is continuing, for an important part as a result of domestic spending. The economy is projected to grow by 1.8% this year and by 2.1% in 2017. Consumption levels will increase by 1.5% this year and 2.1% next year, due to an increase in household disposable income under continued low inflation. For both years, investments are projected to grow by more than GDP. Public spending will lag behind economic growth. These are some of the conclusions in the June Projections 2016 by CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis.

Go straight to the data or to the publication (only in Dutch).

Global economic growth will remain limited, largely due to a slowdown in the growth of the emerging economies. From the perspective of years of recession and low growth levels, the picture is relatively positive for Europe. Global trade will see a slow growth rate that barely exceeds that of the global economy. The global trade relevant to the Netherlands is expected to grow more strongly, because of the relatively high levels of trade between Europe and the United States. For 2016, this relevant global trade is projected to increase by 3.9%, and for 2017 by 4.8%. This will also profit Dutch exports.

There are a number of specific risks that may slow down economic growth: the possible exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, the weak financial situation in southern Europe, a slowdown in global trade, and the uncertainty about monetary policy in the United States and the eurozone.

Inflation will be low, with 0.1% this year and 0.9% next year, as a result of moderate wage cost developments, a limited increase in retail prices, and a decrease in import prices in 2016. For 2017, higher oil and resource prices are expected to lead to a slight recovery of inflation. Wage levels are not expected to see any extreme developments, due to the larger labour market. Unemployment will drop slowly, from 6.9% in 2015 to 6.2% in 2017.

Public finances will benefit from the economic growth. The EMU balance will improve, from -1.8% of GDP last year to -1.6% this year and -1.0% next year, in part, also due to lower interest payments. Public finances are not yet in line with the criteria of the Stability and Growth Pact. Median static purchasing power for this year is projected to increase by 2.6%, and for 2017 by 0.2%. Purchasing power is expected to grow over 2016, as the increase in contract wages will be higher than inflation and because of the reduction in financial burden due to the 5-billion-euro package of measures. 

Bekijk ook de bijbehorende ramingscijfers. De infographic met de conclusies van de Juniraming 2016 is hiernaast als PDF-bijlage-bestand opgenomen. De data van de figuren in de publicatie is hier te downloaden (.xls).

De mondiale economische groei blijft beperkt, vooral door groeivertraging van opkomende economieën. Voor Europa is het beeld, gezien jaren van krimp en lage groei, relatief gunstig. Van een sterke opleving is geen sprake, de werkloosheid in het eurogebied blijft dan ook hoog. De mondiale handel groeit traag, nauwelijks harder dan de economische groei. Omdat Nederland relatief veel handelt met Europa en de Verenigde Staten trekt de relevante wereldhandel echter vrij sterk aan. De Nederlandse uitvoer profiteert hiervan.

De inflatie is laag, 0,1% dit jaar en 0,9% volgend jaar. De loonontwikkeling is lager dan het langjarig gemiddelde en de prijsontwikkeling van de invoer zelfs negatief in 2016. In 2017 zorgen hogere olieprijzen en grondstofprijzen voor een licht herstel van de inflatie.

Een aantal bijzondere risico’s kunnen de economische groei afremmen: uittreding van het Verenigd Koninkrijk uit de Europese Unie, de zwakke financiële situatie in Zuid-Europa, verdere vertraging van de mondiale handel en onzekerheid over het monetaire beleid in de Verenigde Staten en het eurogebied.

De economische groei is gunstig voor de overheidsfinanciën. Het EMU-saldo verbetert van ‑1,8% bbp vorig jaar naar ‑1,6% bbp dit jaar en ‑1,0% bbp volgend jaar, mede door lagere rentebetalingen. De mediane koopkracht neemt toe met 2,6% dit jaar en 0,2% volgend jaar.
