Search results

There are 6 search results.
October 25, 2002

One size fits all? Accession to the internal market; an industry level assessment of EU enlargement

Enlargement of the EU with ten Central and Eastern European Countries is a major item on the EU's policy agenda.

August 27, 2002

On labour standards and free trade

The authors investigate the effectiveness and efficiency of alternative measures to increase standards in low-income countries.

August 1, 2002

Fertile soil for structural funds? A panel data analysis of the conditional effectiveness of European cohesion policy

Structural funds are the most intensively used policy instrument by the European Union to promote economic growth in its member states and to speed up the process of convergence.

July 1, 2002

Strategic competition with public infrastructure; ineffective and unwelcome?

Countries invest in international infrastructure in an effort to attract firms. Acquiring the position of a hub would make this effort successful.

April 9, 2002

Funds and games; the economics of European cohesion policy

How effective is European cohesion policy in reducing regional welfare differences?

January 9, 2002

Factor mobility and regional disparities; east, west, home's best?

Unemployment rates as well as incomes per capita differ vastly across the regions of Europe. Labour mobility can play a role in resolving regional disparities.