Search results

There are 17 search results.
July 1, 2002

Strategic competition with public infrastructure; ineffective and unwelcome?

Countries invest in international infrastructure in an effort to attract firms. Acquiring the position of a hub would make this effort successful.

April 9, 2002

Funds and games; the economics of European cohesion policy

How effective is European cohesion policy in reducing regional welfare differences?

January 9, 2002

Factor mobility and regional disparities; east, west, home's best?

Unemployment rates as well as incomes per capita differ vastly across the regions of Europe. Labour mobility can play a role in resolving regional disparities.

September 11, 2001

EU enlargement: economic implications for countries and industries

Accession favourable especially for new member states.

May 1, 2000

Openness, growth and R&D spillovers: uncovering the missing link?

Openness, growth and R&D spillovers: uncovering the missing link?

April 1, 2000

The skill premium, technological change and appropriability

The skill premium, technological change and appropriability

February 1, 1999

Sectoral productivity growth and R&D spillovers in the Netherlands

Sectoral productivity growth and R&D spillovers in the Netherlands