
April 25, 2023

The CPB World Trade Monitor: technical description (update April 2023)

The CPB World Trade Monitor (WTM) is an instrument for bringing together, aggregating, and summarizing worldwide monthly data on international trade and industrial production. Its purpose is to report monthly...

April 20, 2023

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits

Firms have absorbed the higher costs for gas and electricity with energy savings and price increases for customers. The higher energy prices are expected to lead to only a limited number of additional loss-making firms.

A simulation of energy prices and corporate profits
April 18, 2023

Carbon costs and industrial firm performance: Evidence from international microdata

Entrepreneurs seem to be adapting their business operations to climate policy. There is little to no evidence that climate policy has depressed the profit, productivity or turnover of an average industrial firm.

Business park Pernis with various factories
April 17, 2023

National Productivity Board 2022 annual report

The dip in productivity growth in 2020 was followed by a strong recovery in 2021. As in most years, the growth in labour productivity in 2021 is mainly driven by the growth in Total Factor Productivity (TFP)....

March 9, 2023

Projections March 2023 (CEP 2023)

Purchasing power restored through wage growth, but more people living below the poverty line.

CEP 2023 uk-webpicture promoblock
March 9, 2023

Energy prices, the distribution of income, and the effects of wage indexation

How do increases in energy prices transmit to real economic activity and influence the distribution of income? Does it matter whether households receive capital or labor income? What are the distributional and...

March 1, 2023

Predicting Firm Exits with Machine Learning: Implications for Selection into COVID-19 Support and Productivity Growth

In this paper, we use machine learning techniques to predict whether a company would have left the market in a world without corona. These predictions show that unhealthy companies applied for support less often than healthy companies. But we also show that the COVID-19 support has prevented most exits among unhealthy companies. This indicates that the corona support measures have had a negative impact on productivity growth.

December 21, 2022

A look at the Dutch position in international student assessments

This study examines to what extent international student assessments are an accurate indicator of educational performance and concludes that various problems can influence the score and position of the Netherlands.

high school class
December 13, 2022

Getting off to a flying start? The effects of an early-career international mobility grant on scientific performance

Researchers who receive the Rubicon grant perform the same as comparable non-awarded applicants on a number of academic outcomes, such as the number of scientific publications and the citation score.

December 6, 2022

Energy price scenarios

Energy cap dampens purchasing power risks, but is not a structural solution.

Energy price scenarios