
December 13, 2021

National Productivity Board 2021 annual report

Productivity growth has been declining for several decades; not only in the Netherlands but in many European countries. During the corona pandemic, productivity growth has dropped even more....

December 9, 2021

Green innovation policies: a literature and policy review

Green, low-carbon technologies are much needed for an effective and efficient energy transition. For example, hydrogen, heat pumps, and completely new technologies may replace the current carbon-rich and dirty ways in...

November 26, 2021

Pension Payout Preferences

Dutch retirees – and individuals who are close to retirement – show a clear interest in two alternatives for the default lifelong flat rate annuity. In a survey experiment with over a thousand participants we investigated how appealing these different payout options are to retirees, and what influences their preferences.

Opened piggy bank
November 23, 2021

Position paper EU fiscal governance framework

At the request of the Dutch House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Finance, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis is participating in the Round Table on The Future of EU fiscal rules: reforming...

November 17, 2021

The impact of co-payments for nursing home care on use, health, and welfare

In 2013, a reform (the vermogensinkomensbijtelling) increased co-payments for long-term care for people with financial wealth. A shown in a new empirical study, it induced older people to postpone nursing home use, but only by a few days on average. The reform reduced the financial pressure on the long-term care system, but at the cost of raising the financial risk of older adults.

an elderly woman with a walker
September 28, 2021

Analysis of The Covid-19 pandemic support policy 2020 with company data

This research shows that the support policy in 2020 has kept firms afloat, thereby preserving jobs. This was at the expense of economic dynamics. Most support has ended up in industries hardest hit by the lockdown, such...

September 21, 2021

Projections September 2021 (MEV 2022)

Strong recovery of the Dutch economy, but coronavirus-related uncertainty remains.

Illustration for the MEV 2022
September 7, 2021

Optimal capital ratios for banks in the euro area

Capital buffers help banks to absorb financial shocks. This reduces the risk of a banking crisis. However, on the other hand capital requirements for banks can also lead to social costs, as rising financing costs can lead to higher interest rates for customers. In this research we make an exploratory analysis of the costs and benefits of capital buffers for groups of European countries.

No title
August 26, 2021

When financials get tough, life gets rough? Problematic debts and ill health

In this paper, we investigate whether individuals obtaining problematic debts are more likely to use mental healthcare or social guidance and/or financial help, and whether they have higher mental healthcare costs.

When financials get tough, life gets rough?
August 20, 2021

Projections August 2021

In 2021, the economy will grow by almost 4%, followed by over 3% growth in 2022, assuming no new, large-scale social distancing measures will be needed.

Projections August 2021