Marielle Non

wetenschappelijk medewerker, Sector 3 Arbeid en kennis
Photo of Marielle Non
Centraal Planbureau

Bezuidenhoutseweg 30
2594 AV Den Haag


April 11, 2024

Studeren voor de lol of voor de poen

Kies je een studie die je leuk vindt of een studie die je later een goede baan oplevert? Veel scholieren zullen binnenkort definitief de knoop doorhakken.

No title
February 6, 2024

De relatie tussen de arbeidsmarkt en studie-inschrijvingen

Scholieren baseren hun studiekeuze niet aantoonbaar op de baankansen en startsalarissen van een opleiding.

No title
December 21, 2022

A look at the Dutch position in international student assessments

This study examines to what extent international student assessments are an accurate indicator of educational performance and concludes that various problems can influence the score and position of the Netherlands.

high school class
December 13, 2022

Getting off to a flying start? The effects of an early-career international mobility grant on scientific performance

Researchers who receive the Rubicon grant perform the same as comparable non-awarded applicants on a number of academic outcomes, such as the number of scientific publications and the citation score.

February 16, 2021

Skill up or get left behind? Digital skills and labor market outcomes in the Netherlands

People with low digital skills relatively often do not have a paid job, and if they do, they earn a relatively low hourly wage. Those are the most important findings of CPB research based on a newly constructed dataset combining digital skills with labor market outcomes.
